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I am a student on individual mobility
Published on July 10, 2024 – Updated on October 24, 2024
This registration process is intended for students holding one or more foreign diplomas.
As a student holding one or more foreign degrees, you have the opportunity to join a French institution of higher education.
You can register for diplomas at various levels: a University Diploma (D.U), a Bachelor's degree or a Master's degree.
There are two types of application, as described below:
You would like information on:
You can register for diplomas at various levels: a University Diploma (D.U), a Bachelor's degree or a Master's degree.
There are two types of application, as described below:
1. You are not currently enrolled in French higher education
You wish to apply for admission:- In the first year of the Bachelor's degree:
- for students from countries outside the European Economic Area
- for students from the European Economic Area
- In Doctorate
You would like information on:
2. You are currently registered for a national diploma in French higher education
Regardless of your university situation, you must first request a transfer of your file with the higher education institution in which you are currently enrolled.- For registration in the first year of a Bachelor's degree, the “Demande d'Admission Préalable” (Preliminary Admission Request) file (students from outside the European Economic Area) doesn’t need to be completed if you are currently enrolled in a national diploma in a French higher education establishment (including by correspondence), whatever the stream (Bachelor's degree, BTS, DUT...) or the status of the establishment (universities, EPLE, private establishments...).. You must apply by logging on to the Parcoursup (in French) application. If you are accepted, you must then follow the application procedure (in French).
Please note that if you are only enrolled in a University Diploma (DU), you will still need to apply for the green "Demande d'Admission Préalable" form.
- If you wish to transfer to the 2nd or 3rd year of a Licence, Licence professionnelle, Master or Diplôme d'Université, you must follow the application procedure (in French) for the level of study requested.